Dear Readers,
Sorry for the major delay in posts. I started my first week of college and it's cut a lot of my free time. But I bring with me some new updates!
New Bulletin From Strify!
Erstmal Tag an alle,
war gestern sehr cool auf der IFA.
Danke für den Support und auch Danke an alle Geschenke.
Ich muss jedoch sagen, dass ich über ein paar Geschenke schockiert bin.
Ich habe die letzten Tage ein paar gebrannte CDs geschenkt bekommen und auf einigen waren sogar Songs von uns enthalten.
Wie würdet ihr es finden, wenn man euch etwas klauen würde und dann mit vollem Ernst wieder schenken würde?
Ich habe jetzt seit rund zwei Jahren mit der Plattenindustrie zu tun und ich weiß, wie schlecht vieles läuft.
Die illegalen Downloads runinieren nach und nach die Musikindustrie und viele Bands.
Auch wir leiden sicherlich in vielen Punkten daran und viele unserer Songs werden auch illegal herunter geladen und weiter gegeben.
Das ist Diebstahl, den ihr begeht.
Ich hoffe auch, dass sich in den nächsten Jahren die legalen Plattformen verbessern, da ich weiß, dass man dort erst ab 18 angemeldet sein kann.
Bei iTunes kostet ein einzelner Song zum Beipsiel nur 99 Cent.
Ich weiß, dass es vielen egal ist, wenn sie einen Song illegal herunter laden.
Aber leider wissen viele auch nicht, wie viel Energie und Arbeit in Musik steckt. Ich weiß auch, dass vielen dieser Bulletin egal sein wird, aber denkt wenigstens mal darüber nach. Ich kann euch nur sagen, dass ich auch etwas dafür tun muss, wenn ich etwas haben will und jemanden den ich unterstützen will, nicht unbedacht schaden will.
Danke nochmal dennoch für die Geschenke und an alle die unsere Musik legal erworben haben.
Translated version via Google Translate
First day at all,
yesterday was very cool on the IFA.
Thank you for the support and thanks to all gifts.
However, I must say that I have a few gifts'm shocked.
I have the last few days has been getting burned CDs, and some were even songs from us.
How would you find it if you would steal something and then again with full seriousness gift?
I have now been about two years ago with the record industry to do and I know how much is bad.
The illegal downloads runinieren after the music industry and many bands.
Also we certainly suffer in many respects and that many of our songs are illegally downloaded and passed on.
This is theft, it celebrates.
I also hope that in the next few years, the legal platforms, because I know that to get there until age 18 can be registered.
In iTunes cost of a single song for example, only 99 cents.
I know that many no matter if it is a song illegally downloaded.
But unfortunately, many do not understand how much energy and work in music is. I also know that many of these no matter Bulletin will be, but spent at least thinking about it. I can only tell you that I also have to do something, if I have something someone wants and I support will not harm rash.
Thank you yet again for the gifts and all our music legally purchased.
Wow how dumb do you have to be to give an artist a burned cd? XD Poor Strify! Makes me wonder how many people burn CB stuff. Probably a lot. But hey there is news.....I read something about Final Attraction being
released in the
U.S. officially on
September 16, 2008. I'm
not positive on that though. However, if U.S. fans are willing to pay import price:
has Final Attraction that ship to U.S.!
New Kiro Photos

New Blogs from Yu and Luminor via myspace
LuminorSaturday, August 30, 2008
As if we never said goodbye...
I don't know why I'm frightened..
I know my way around here
The music spheres,my dark blue see, the sound here...
Yes, a world to rediscover
But I cant be in any hurry
Caus I need my moment....
The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways
The atmosphere as thrilling here as always
Feel the early morning madness
Feel the magic in the making
Why, everything seemed as if we never said goodbye..
I spend so many mornings. Just trying to resist you
I was trembling then , caus deep inside I've missed you.
Missed the fairy tale adventure
In this ever spinning playground
We were young .Together.
Someday i might come out of make-up.
The lights already burning
I will look to you.And my wish again mioght start turning...
And the early morning madness
And the magic in the making
Yes, everything might be as if we never said goodbye.
I never wanted things to come like now..
Will it once be in the past ..
My world's waited long enough
And I will come home at last..
And my time will be bigger.
And brighter than we knew it.
So watch me fly, we all know I can do it...
Could I stop my hand from shaking?
Has there ever been then a moment
With so much to live for?
The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways.
So much to say. Not just today .But always...
Where is the early morning madness?
I want the magic in my acting ....
Yesterday everything seemed as if we never said goodbye.
Just look at me you know... some of me never said goodbye...
And I will give this world...
New dream.
(Based on As if we never said goodbye from sunset boulevard copyright andrew lloyd webber )
YuGotta love the poetry he posts! =]
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i am Batman!
Current mood: devious
yay~ such a fast new entry xD
watched batman? damn i was amazed of it...first i thought it wud be i think its exellent!
attention pls~ hav a look at this
short after christmas n short before my birthday, lets hav som fun there!
rawk the heads with D'espairs Ray - Brilliant oh yer
This is a photo of Strify (young) from a magazine. ...all credits to them.
Ok who else thought he was naturally blonde? I mean yes we've all seen young brunette Strify pics but this one is even younger and I really thought he was born blonde. XD