Sunday, August 31, 2008


Copyright Conracumusic ^
Copyright Yori

Strify answers CB turkey street team question! =]

Major kudos to whomever filmed this!!

Deeper and Deeper

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Nominate Cinema Bizarre!!


Dear Readers,
Sorry for the major delay in posts. I started my first week of college and it's cut a lot of my free time. But I bring with me some new updates!

New Bulletin From Strify!

Erstmal Tag an alle,

war gestern sehr cool auf der IFA.

Danke für den Support und auch Danke an alle Geschenke.

Ich muss jedoch sagen, dass ich über ein paar Geschenke schockiert bin.

Ich habe die letzten Tage ein paar gebrannte CDs geschenkt bekommen und auf einigen waren sogar Songs von uns enthalten.

Wie würdet ihr es finden, wenn man euch etwas klauen würde und dann mit vollem Ernst wieder schenken würde?

Ich habe jetzt seit rund zwei Jahren mit der Plattenindustrie zu tun und ich weiß, wie schlecht vieles läuft.

Die illegalen Downloads runinieren nach und nach die Musikindustrie und viele Bands.

Auch wir leiden sicherlich in vielen Punkten daran und viele unserer Songs werden auch illegal herunter geladen und weiter gegeben.

Das ist Diebstahl, den ihr begeht.

Ich hoffe auch, dass sich in den nächsten Jahren die legalen Plattformen verbessern, da ich weiß, dass man dort erst ab 18 angemeldet sein kann.

Bei iTunes kostet ein einzelner Song zum Beipsiel nur 99 Cent.

Ich weiß, dass es vielen egal ist, wenn sie einen Song illegal herunter laden.

Aber leider wissen viele auch nicht, wie viel Energie und Arbeit in Musik steckt. Ich weiß auch, dass vielen dieser Bulletin egal sein wird, aber denkt wenigstens mal darüber nach. Ich kann euch nur sagen, dass ich auch etwas dafür tun muss, wenn ich etwas haben will und jemanden den ich unterstützen will, nicht unbedacht schaden will.

Danke nochmal dennoch für die Geschenke und an alle die unsere Musik legal erworben haben.


Translated version via Google Translate

First day at all,

yesterday was very cool on the IFA.

Thank you for the support and thanks to all gifts.

However, I must say that I have a few gifts'm shocked.

I have the last few days has been getting burned CDs, and some were even songs from us.

How would you find it if you would steal something and then again with full seriousness gift?

I have now been about two years ago with the record industry to do and I know how much is bad.

The illegal downloads runinieren after the music industry and many bands.

Also we certainly suffer in many respects and that many of our songs are illegally downloaded and passed on.

This is theft, it celebrates.

I also hope that in the next few years, the legal platforms, because I know that to get there until age 18 can be registered.

In iTunes cost of a single song for example, only 99 cents.

I know that many no matter if it is a song illegally downloaded.

But unfortunately, many do not understand how much energy and work in music is. I also know that many of these no matter Bulletin will be, but spent at least thinking about it. I can only tell you that I also have to do something, if I have something someone wants and I support will not harm rash.

Thank you yet again for the gifts and all our music legally purchased.



Wow how dumb do you have to be to give an artist a burned cd? XD Poor Strify! Makes me wonder how many people burn CB stuff. Probably a lot. But hey there is news.....I read something about Final Attraction being released in the U.S. officially on September 16, 2008. I'm not positive on that though. However, if U.S. fans are willing to pay import price:


has Final Attraction that ship to U.S.!

New Kiro Photos


New Blogs from Yu and Luminor via myspace


Saturday, August 30, 2008

As if we never said goodbye...

I don't know why I'm frightened..
I know my way around here
The music spheres,my dark blue see, the sound here...
Yes, a world to rediscover
But I cant be in any hurry
Caus I need my moment....

The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways
The atmosphere as thrilling here as always
Feel the early morning madness
Feel the magic in the making
Why, everything seemed as if we never said goodbye..

I spend so many mornings. Just trying to resist you
I was trembling then , caus deep inside I've missed you.
Missed the fairy tale adventure
In this ever spinning playground
We were young .Together.

Someday i might come out of make-up.
The lights already burning
I will look to you.And my wish again mioght start turning...
And the early morning madness
And the magic in the making
Yes, everything might be as if we never said goodbye.

I never wanted things to come like now..
Will it once be in the past ..

My world's waited long enough
And I will come home at last..

And my time will be bigger.
And brighter than we knew it.
So watch me fly, we all know I can do it...

Could I stop my hand from shaking?
Has there ever been then a moment
With so much to live for?

The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways.
So much to say. Not just today .But always...

Where is the early morning madness?
I want the magic in my acting ....

Yesterday everything seemed as if we never said goodbye.
Just look at me you know... some of me never said goodbye...

And I will give this world...

New dream.

(Based on As if we never said goodbye from sunset boulevard copyright andrew lloyd webber )

Gotta love the poetry he posts! =]


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i am Batman!
Current mood: devious

yay~ such a fast new entry xD

watched batman? damn i was amazed of it...first i thought it wud be i think its exellent!

attention pls~ hav a look at this


short after christmas n short before my birthday, lets hav som fun there!


rawk the heads with D'espairs Ray - Brilliant oh yer

This is a photo of Strify (young) from a magazine. ...all credits to them.

Ok who else thought he was naturally blonde? I mean yes we've all seen young brunette Strify pics but this one is even younger and I really thought he was born blonde. XD

Friday, August 22, 2008

games convention!

an OK live vid..kudos to the person who uploaded this! ^^

Party photo mix

Strify seems drunk as hell haha!

Shin lmaoo


Kudos to CB czech blog for posting that!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kiro Blog!!

hey ya,

hope u all are fine ;D

our two gigs in denmark were so amazing, special the gig in the vega club in copenhagen, it was an amazing concert for us! Thx u for your great energy!!

this friday, we are going to play at the games convention in leipzig! I really can't wait for this! So, after the gig, we can play games XD thats really cool!!!

Soon, we'll continue our europe-tour, I never thought that I will see that much from the world with my 20 years, it is so amazing, I still can't believe it!!

But I'm really lookin' forward for our two christmas-concerts in december we will give in bochum and hamburg ;D I hope u all will come to see us and a few surprises ;D be excited!!!

I will go to bed now, have a good night and sleep well

see ya soon ;D


New blog from Strify!

From his myspace:

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blog Bizarre 015 - Bu bu bi du!
Current mood: vehement

Ha! It's been quite a while since my last blog entry. So here you go!

Last week we had the kick off gig of our FINAL ATTRACTION Tour 2008 in Denmark, It was very exciting to be on stage again and I am looking forward to all the shows coming up this year all over Europe! I'm gonna kick your asses, haha ;)

We've been writing and been in the studio again. This week we've been to Cologne with some very talented people with whom we've already worked on LOVESONGS (THEY KILL ME). I think you have some reason to be excited ;)

We've also been to the single release party from a befriended band of ours, called FRÄULEIN WUNDER and we've been to a concert of them yesterday.
It was also a Bad Taste Party (oh how I loved it ;)). Watch out, maybe you get to see us in their band diary ;)
We've met some wonderful new people and had some wonderful days.

Oh and before I forget it:
Happy Birthday Madonna ;)


Bad Taste hahah

From Fräulein Wunder's myspace:

I guess this was some sort of "bad taste" costume party/show! Looks like fun! ^^ I have no idea what Strify was trying to dress as. XD

Demand Cinema Bizarre in Your Area!!

Click to Demand Cinema Bizarre in Chicago

Demand Cinema Bizarre in YOUR area

Luminor's message

From Myspace:

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I want to tell my people...who asked me questions..
I am sorry...I make you scared..
But i cant give a word...i just can give this.
I am devited.Let me simply in the one who once wanted
To bring some their dreams.
Dont cry for me all my people.
The truth is..i shall not leave you.
But it may be harder .For you to see me.
I am your moonlight.
And always will be.

Have i said too much?Theres nothing more i can think of to say to you..
But all you have to do.Is look at me to know.That every word
is true.

Crashing and Burning

Lyrics thanks to Official Russian Kiro Support [International] [PD]



You, haven't got a pain
What you think you need to say
And I, I, already know
You played a part in a stupid show

And you're wondering, how I..m wandering
Through the maze between the heartaches

Crashing and burning
As time past away
Trashing and turning
You know that I feel
The chances are low but the curtain is down
Now it's turning down

The curtain's down

You better stop
All your acting out
Before this performance
I take a bow
You, you, could've had it all
Now you are playing just a fallen star

And you're wondering, how I..m wandering
Through the maze between the heartaches

Crashing and burning
As time past away
Trashing and turning
You know that I feel
The chances are low but the curtain is down
Now it's turning down

Stop the masquerade
There's no one left
Just you and me
Just empty seats
There is no stress
The show is real
Don't say your lies
Say what you feel
Or if you can't
I have to leave
The stage behind and say goodbye
I say goodbye

The show is over
The show is over
The show is over and over and over
The show is over and over and over 7x
The show is over and over and over 7x

The show is over
This time stops for real
Trashing and turning
You know that I feel
The show is over
The show is over, over

The show is over

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Invader Ink! New blog from Yu!

from myspace:

Invader Ink
Current mood: horny

Good Evening Good Girls and Bad Boys xD

pew u rly rawked the vega club with us at copenhagen ;D
felt like one of our best concerts for now!
and also much fun at skanderborg <3

after this rawkin weekend get ready for the GC and IFA with us

oh and watch our new song "Crashing and Burning"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Invader Ink
Current mood: horny

Good Evening Good Girls and Bad Boys xD

pew u rly rawked the vega club with us at copenhagen ;D
felt like one of our best concerts for now!
and also much fun at skanderborg <3

after this rawkin weekend get ready for the GC and IFA with us

oh and watch our new song "Crashing and Burning"

tell me how u liked it, dont mind bout the guitar effect im searching for a better
one ;D

and watch the new tat of the crazybirds xD

Rawwk On~
hav a nice weekend ;)


what rawks my head today...uhm, i think it is stupid by Girugamesh

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So Apparently

Luminor was found unconscious in the dressing room during Denmark show.
The CB Dutch street team girls have thought of a great idea and created a get well list for him!

Please sign!!

new song!!

Performed in Denmark. MAJOR kudos/thanks to PieDav for uploading and capturing this!!

Thoughts on new song?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Denmark Photos

I love that new hairstyle!

stoppen! =P

Kudos to whomever took these photos. O.o

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Another blog from Yu off myspace!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

rocknroll in my pants!
Current mood: handsome


i hope everyone of u is ready for the upcoming days

a bit uh lala at skanderborg festival and at copenhagen right? ;)

i wanna see all of u there!!! ;D

bring me som good energy and let us rock the house, let the whole stage and club rumble! @_@

oh and here just a short view of the new tat before u see in live

maybe som new after the concerts lets get some rock over there!!!

rock on~


my head get rawked atm by Die Mannequin - Do it or Die

Oh my so how many tats does he have now?! I'm getting confused. XD

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New bulletin

Dear supporter,

After CINEMA BIZARRE rocked with the fans in July in the Hamburg's Markthalle getting a full house with „kein COMET trotzdem BIZARRE PARTY“ playing their DJ sets, the band now rehearses diligently for the upcoming tour dates.

For organizational reasons a significant number of dates in Sweden, Norway and Finland were postponet from August to September postponed (see tour dates). All other dates are not affected and can be found as announced.

At www. deutschrock. de you can find band's new merchandise, designed by CINEMA BIZARRE!! We hope that you liked the new design as well as we do.

Boys even have a clip of the recent photoshoot session which can be found on Youtube: http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=-rmPFjnZOKs

We hope to see all of you on the big CINEMA BIZARRE European tour, for example, in Germany in Berlin on 29.08. @ IFA "holiday party" and at 22.08. @ in Leipzig Games Convention (EA Games stand, about 14.30 clock).

Shin, Strify, Yu, Luminor & Kiro

Final Attraction Europe Tour 2008!

08 Aug DK - Skandeborg, Midtjylland Dyrehaven - Danmarks Smukkeste Festival
09 Aug DK - Copenhagen Vega Musikkens Hus, Lille saal
22 Aug DE / Leipzig Games Convention, Messegelände
29 Aug DE / Berlin Messegelände Berlin, IFA Sommergarten Open Air
14 Sept SE - Malmö KB
15 Sept NO - Oslo John Dee
16 Sept SE - Stockholm Klubben
18 Sept FI - Helsinki Nosturi
20 Sept EST / Tallinn Rockcafe
01 Oct I - Milano Alcatraz
10 Oct F / Paris Bataclan
12 Oct L / Esch sur Alzette Rockhal
16 Oct RUS - Krasnodar Premiera
18 Oct RUS - Moscow Tochka
19 Oct RUS - St.

Petersburg Orlandina
21 Oct LV / Riga Sapnu Fabrika
22 Oct LT / Vilnius UPA
24 Oct MD - Chisinau People club
25 Oct RO - Iasi Planet club

Thanks to the Russian Street team for translating!

New drawn photo!

Created by me! I got the idea from a certain old vid on youtube with the guys in it. If anyone knows what I'm referring to, you deserve a cookie! XD

Friday, August 1, 2008

hello world

So I'm back from 2 very busy weeks. I got new photos and info! =]

Strify and his dad?

Funny photos I found from the CB party. Photos copyright Maryonne Vlasbom and Lumii Lumii.

"Watch out ladies, I can breathe fire!! ROARR!!"



"I am so gone with the wind. Those classic Hollywood movie stars ain't got nothing on me!"

New Shows!


What do you think of the new song "Crasing and burning?"

Do you think Luminor left the band for good or no?

Next video?

What does this blog need more of?

What do you want to see in the new album?

Best Cinema Bizarre Song?


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