everyone to wants to qo the same way like Cinema Bizarre , to support and help them and say: "Boys, i stay faithful for you!".... please send us a pic from you or a pic from you with one of the guys from Cinema Bizarre!! with a personaL message! ( but no so long!!!)
becuase i make a video ( or more videos...).. i will give it the boys in Hamburg 27.12.
please send your pic untiL 22.12.
@ this email adress please:
Strify's Soul Argentina
To see their page click here
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
New blog from Yu
Saturday, November 01, 2008
World Aids Day
Current mood: gallant
maybe u know tomorrows the World Aids Day!
so i hope u all hav been checked or will be ;D
...cuz HIV n Aids suxx as hell!!!
i did the test and im okay YaY <3~
stay healthy and take an eye on ur health..its ur Life! ;)
for ur happiness, a pic when iv got my sexy vikki guit the first day
Rubber Roxx (and keeps u also away from all this unlovely infectstuff)
nice day
Song for my head these days by Girugamesh - Shiroi ashiato
Friday, November 28, 2008
Check out these wonderful wallpapers!
Some CB fans have created awesome wallpapers, avatars, sigs, etc. Check them out and leave them some props! =]
Click here
Or here
Click here
Or here
Cinema Bizarre America,
Clearing out the Confusion
Due to the increasing ammount of U.S. supports for CB within this year...we have had several name changes to avoid getting mistaken. We only go under as "Cinema Bizarre U.S. Midwest support(myspace) or Cinema bizarre america blog.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sad news from Luminor's myspace
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My dear fans,
I am sorry for having no other choice then to carry out my duty I have towards you.
As you might started to imagine and guess my personal conditions couldn't have been recovered fast enough and good enough.
Please believe me that everything possible was done for me to come back in health and better conditions, but the time did not last, to come back as a complete support for the band.
Please try to find understanding that I have decided that I have no other choice then to declaim all the honours and titles you wanted to give to me.
This makes me sad, but some things can't be like I want them to be .
I will always be in your mind in the way I wanted to be for you ...And I will stay with you .
But I can't stay any longer as a part of Cinema Bizarre.
Which means that I will leave the band from now on.
Let me simply go on as the one I have been for you.
I wish the band luck on their way.
Keep me in your hearts.
Your Moonlight.
From a bulletin he posted:
Ich möchte es euch sagen ...die die mir nah wart ...ich habe beschlossen..ich muss sie ablehnen .All die ehren und titel die ihr mir schenken wolltet.Denn ich bin besiegt.Lasst mich einfach weiter so sein ..wie ihr mich einst kanntet ...der euer mondlicht war .
Weint nicht um mich meine leute ...die wahrheit ist ich sollte euch nie verlassen ...aber es wird schwerer mich zu sehen ..
Ich bin was ihr seht ...und werd es immer bleiben .
Habe ich zu viel gesagt ? alles was ich zu sagen habe ..ist gesagt ...Ihr braucht nur mich ansehn und ihr seht ...jedes wort ist wahr ...
English Version:
I want to tell you ... who were close to me ... .. I have decided I must reject them. All the honor and title to it give me wolltet.Denn am I besiegt.Lasst am just so .. I like you once knew ... the moonlight was yours.
Crying is not my people ... the truth is I should never leave you ... but it is harder to see me ..
I am what you see ... and will always remain.
Have I said too much? everything I have to say is said ... .. You need only look on me and you can see ... every word is true ...
We all wish Luminor the best and hope he gets better soon!
please add his new myspace
My dear fans,
I am sorry for having no other choice then to carry out my duty I have towards you.
As you might started to imagine and guess my personal conditions couldn't have been recovered fast enough and good enough.
Please believe me that everything possible was done for me to come back in health and better conditions, but the time did not last, to come back as a complete support for the band.
Please try to find understanding that I have decided that I have no other choice then to declaim all the honours and titles you wanted to give to me.
This makes me sad, but some things can't be like I want them to be .
I will always be in your mind in the way I wanted to be for you ...And I will stay with you .
But I can't stay any longer as a part of Cinema Bizarre.
Which means that I will leave the band from now on.
Let me simply go on as the one I have been for you.
I wish the band luck on their way.
Keep me in your hearts.
Your Moonlight.
From a bulletin he posted:
Ich möchte es euch sagen ...die die mir nah wart ...ich habe beschlossen..ich muss sie ablehnen .All die ehren und titel die ihr mir schenken wolltet.Denn ich bin besiegt.Lasst mich einfach weiter so sein ..wie ihr mich einst kanntet ...der euer mondlicht war .
Weint nicht um mich meine leute ...die wahrheit ist ich sollte euch nie verlassen ...aber es wird schwerer mich zu sehen ..
Ich bin was ihr seht ...und werd es immer bleiben .
Habe ich zu viel gesagt ? alles was ich zu sagen habe ..ist gesagt ...Ihr braucht nur mich ansehn und ihr seht ...jedes wort ist wahr ...
English Version:
I want to tell you ... who were close to me ... .. I have decided I must reject them. All the honor and title to it give me wolltet.Denn am I besiegt.Lasst am just so .. I like you once knew ... the moonlight was yours.
Crying is not my people ... the truth is I should never leave you ... but it is harder to see me ..
I am what you see ... and will always remain.
Have I said too much? everything I have to say is said ... .. You need only look on me and you can see ... every word is true ...
We all wish Luminor the best and hope he gets better soon!
please add his new myspace
New blog From Strify!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Blog Bizarre 021 - In the lowlight comfort of Berlin streets
Current mood: adventurous
It's blogging time again!
Hope you're doin' fine.
It's getting cold again and I tell you the winter in Berlin is cruel.
Where I grew up winter was pretty different. It was a lot colder than in Berlin - but there were a lot of beautiful days. A lot of snow - but still sunny. We had a lot of nice winters in my childhood.
And now this'll be my second winter in Berlin. It's always kind of windy and you can feel the cold creeping up your body and getting into your bones.... anyways... I love Berlin
Do you wanna play?
You have to wait for the TOYZ till spring 2009!
We're going to get in a new process with the Album in December!
Still we are recording and collecting and writing demos. But in December we will start with the real recording! There are already some songs settled for the record and still we are trying to figure out which songs will make it on the album and which not. We are having so many good songs right now that it'll be hard to throw some away. But my favourites will be on "TOYZ" for sure!
Hm, we're having two different directions on the album: Some songs are very danceable and some are very rocky. You know I'm a club kid - I love to dance and rock the whole night through
But my favourite song so far is a ballad...
I said enough for now!
Here you go for a picture of mine from the studio.
Make sure you're havin' a good time!
Jack E. Strify
PS: This blog's title is from the newest song from IAMX "Think of England". You can get ot for free on their official homepage. I'm waiting for the album! And by the way: Grace Jones' new album is amazing!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
New blog from Yu!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Snowwhite <3
Current mood: romantic
finally snow!!! <3~
im at my parents house and enjoyin the first lovely snow, this is just a lil view from the street

so santa gav us n early present this year ;D
keep gentle n peaceful and cb will make u a happy merry christmas <3~
dreamin away with myv - dear my love. tried to play it on guitar and i keep gettin better yay <3
Snowwhite <3
Current mood: romantic
finally snow!!! <3~
im at my parents house and enjoyin the first lovely snow, this is just a lil view from the street
so santa gav us n early present this year ;D
keep gentle n peaceful and cb will make u a happy merry christmas <3~
dreamin away with myv - dear my love. tried to play it on guitar and i keep gettin better yay <3
Cinema Bizarre America,
Cinema Bizarre America United States,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thank you
I'd like to say thank you to all readers(even though yall freakin are too shy to ever comment). =P We've been getting more and more views since this blog has started. (Yes we have a meter that detects your location too lol). I've got to say I'm suprised that most of our readers are not from America! Thats kinda cool in a way.
message from Bizarre Fighters fanclub
So the Bizarre fighters fanclub is setting up a big gift for CB!
Hey lovely people,
..cause there some obscurities, we want to clear this quickly :).
Ok, we..ll take the presents with us and give it to the boys, such as they come to our post office box.
Of course you all can be sure that we won't open your presents. Thats why the appeal to you, write the name for whom the present is on your post directly.
We have the great luck to give the things really face-to-face to the boys, without this condition, we don..t had do this project so.
We have come to know that there are some antis of this project and thats really a pity but its ok, nobody is constrained to join in. But it should not degenerate in defamation to us or the fans who join in the project gladly.
Thank you!!
We thought its a nice idea and a great surprise for Christmas, and also so we can show the boys that the fans really like and support CB.
If you have any questions anyway, you can mail to us all the time.
Your Bizarre Fighters
Dear bizarre people,
We have to think out a very spezial surprise for Cinema Bizarre, at that first of all, you the fans, are in demand. Without you it doesn..t go!
It should become a great big Christmas present action, at that you can (should J) make present the boys.
Thats the way you join in:
Please send us your presents for Yu, Shin, Strify, Kiro, Luminor and Romeo (because we don..t know who is there, so we include both) till 02. December. It would be nice, when you make something by yourself, but all other presents are also great.
We take all these things with us on 27.12. to Hamburg and we..ll surprise the boys with it.
Certainly we document the action for you all, ..cause you should have something therefrom :-).
Please look out for, that you present are not bigger as an large letter, ..cause we have to transport all of this.
Dear Fans from the foreign country, please think of the time, that the letters need to come to Germany. Bring your present to post timely.
And now - "all we need is fantasy"!
your Bizarre Fighters
P.S. Oh and don..t forget to write the name, for who the present is on it.
our adress:
Official CB-Fanclub Bizarre Fighters
Postfach 44
09425 Ehrenfriedersdorf
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Photo Mix
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Stify-New blog from myspace
Blog Bizarre 020 - Not for playing only.
Current mood: catalyzed
Back in Berlin!
Yappa, I've been having some kind of holidays.
I spent the last week in Hamburg. The first days I've been recording and writing some stuff in the studio. I really really can't wait for the next album. I'm so looking forward showing all the world what we're working on right now!
I've been invited to a friend's house where I spent the rest of the week. Just relaxing! - "Relax don't do it - when you want to go to it" - sing
Watching a lot of movies, cooking (yes - I do that sometimes... at least I'm trying it), going to the cinema and the planetarium.
Yeah, but talking about the new album... Have you already seen it? You must watch this - the trailer for the new album which will be released 2009 - The name is.... ta-dah: TOYZ!
Wonder what it is about?
But with all the excitement about the trailer and the just announced album title, somehow everyone forgets about the new Shin-made CB.TV clip from Paris and Milano! During the next weeks the next one will be about Russia.
Ahhh... and yesterday I went out to party! I really was desperate for some fun
I haven't been drinking for weeks. I can't do that when I have to work in the studio or when we're on tour.
So see you very soon!
Stay fashionable
PS: Right now I'm addicted again a to the Eighties (like always ). Kim Wilde, Billy Idol, Dead or Alive, Ideal, Michael Jackson and of course Madonna! I wish I could live in the Eighties for a week. "Get into the groove!"
Current mood: catalyzed
Back in Berlin!
Yappa, I've been having some kind of holidays.
I spent the last week in Hamburg. The first days I've been recording and writing some stuff in the studio. I really really can't wait for the next album. I'm so looking forward showing all the world what we're working on right now!
I've been invited to a friend's house where I spent the rest of the week. Just relaxing! - "Relax don't do it - when you want to go to it" - sing
Watching a lot of movies, cooking (yes - I do that sometimes... at least I'm trying it), going to the cinema and the planetarium.
Yeah, but talking about the new album... Have you already seen it? You must watch this - the trailer for the new album which will be released 2009 - The name is.... ta-dah: TOYZ!
Wonder what it is about?
But with all the excitement about the trailer and the just announced album title, somehow everyone forgets about the new Shin-made CB.TV clip from Paris and Milano! During the next weeks the next one will be about Russia.
Ahhh... and yesterday I went out to party! I really was desperate for some fun
I haven't been drinking for weeks. I can't do that when I have to work in the studio or when we're on tour.
So see you very soon!
Stay fashionable
PS: Right now I'm addicted again a to the Eighties (like always ). Kim Wilde, Billy Idol, Dead or Alive, Ideal, Michael Jackson and of course Madonna! I wish I could live in the Eighties for a week. "Get into the groove!"
New Rock One (French Magazine)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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Blog Archive
- Strify[Argentina] support fan action!
- New blog from Yu
- Mix Video
- Check out these wonderful wallpapers!
- Clearing out the Confusion
- Sad news from Luminor's myspace
- New blog From Strify!
- New blog from Yu!
- CB Russia Video
- Thank you
- Voting again!
- message from Bizarre Fighters fanclub
- Photo Mix
- Cinema Bizarre in Russian Bravo
- Stify-New blog from myspace
- New Rock One (French Magazine)
- Ludi Invalidi Finale