(646) 217-0510 <-----saynow service line. Hear messages from the band, leave messages, hear other fan messages, and maybe one day you'll get a call back. =]
quick summary/translation: Some of the fans are saying they have waited for a while for the concert, traveled far and have been in line since 10am. Then the girls start telling the interviewer whom they think is Bi/straight. They assumed Kiro, Strify, and Shin are bi while Romeo and Yu are straight. The boys are saying how the Russian fans are always crazy/energetic and it really shows how much they love the band. Kiro then starts talking about his favorite Russian bands including T.a.T.u., Bis, Serebro, Reflex, Segrey Lazarev etc.
CINEMA BIZARRE - We´re all toyZ - European Tour 2009 - Part 1 05.06.2009 (RUS) Moskau Green Theatre 07.06.2009 (UA) Kiev Chayka Festival 04.07.2009 (A) Wiener Neustadt Stadttheater 05.07.2009 (A) Wien Szene 06.07.2009 (A) Graz Orpheum 10.07.2009 (NL) Eindhoven Effenaar (SOLD OUT) 11.07.2009 (NL) Amsterdam Melkweg 19.09.2009 (D) Memmingen Kaminwerk 20.09.2009 (CH) Pratteln Z 7 21.09.2009 (D) München Ampere 22.09.2009 (NL) Utrecht Tivoli 23.09.2009 (L) Luxemburg Rockhal 25.09.2009 (I) Rom Alpheus 26.09.2009 (I) Bologna - Pinarella di Cervia Rock Planet 27.09.2009 (I) Treviso - Roncade New Age 29.09.2009 (D) Stuttgart Die Röhre 30.09.2009 (D) Frankfurt Batschkapp 01.10.2009 (D) Köln Live Music Hall 02.10.2009 (D) Leipzig Anker 04.10.2009 (D) Hamburg Grünspan 05.10.2009 (DK) Kopenhagen Vega 06.10.2009 (D) Flensburg Deutsches Haus 08.10.2009 (S) Göteborg Sticky Fingers 09.10.2009 (S) Stockholm Klubben 11.10.2009 (D) Berlin Fritz Club