But here a few lil interesting things!
How sick is Lu actualy?
The article talks about Luminor leaving Cinema Bizarre. It says he left the band for saving his life.
It says that many fans have sent messages to CB's myspace acount and called the management.
Noone knew anything what is Luminor's secret illness till now. He was sleeping and was tired all the time and had to call of many performances. Keybearder Romeo had to replace him often. With madical and pshichological help he started taking medicine and he was feeling better in autumn. But at the end of november he broke-down-he was at the end and his health and life were in danger. He left Cinema Bizarre.
Many people thought it's becouse of the Burn-out-syndrom, but the real reason is in his personality and hardlife in the past. The article says he was depressive and even had thoughts about suicide and even caused pain to himself with cutting.
As a teenager he was sensible, introverted, he was molested and allowed noone to get close. He was in his own world, living his own fantasies. He was hiding his fears. The make-up that he's wearing since school is there to hide his soul problems. Also in Cinema Bizarre he often moved to the site. An insider: ''Luminor is total gaga. He lives on his own planets. No wonder that he's like that now.''
The separation was hard for Strify, Kiro, Yu and Shin. At the time they had the big east-tour and started to record the new album. Yu said it just coudln't end any other way.
And how will Cinema Bizarre continue? The boys are not sure if they should continue as four, or if they should find a new member. ''We need a keyboearder for presenting our songs live,'' says Shin. The decision will be made till the end of January. In February the new CB-single wil come out and in march the album ''toyz''. ''At the beginning of the year we're having a tour in Europe, then we're going to Canda, Mexico and America.'' Luminor won't be there. Strify: ''We'll miss him! We wish him health and that he finds himself again.''
January 17, 2009 - Saturday
About reports in some magazines - Statement
My dear beloved fans.
In the early past some news and one article about myself and the story of my exit from Cinema Bizarre were published in several Magazines.
I assertivly dissociate my self from thies informations .Because they are simply a complete lie and are not telling the truth at all.
Several judically plans are developing right at the moment to go against this deformation of my self .
I thank all my fans who told me about the shock they feeled when they read this.
I can only advise you to contact the publisher if you want to.
For my self i have to repaid that this story is not telling the truth at all.
My own , true version of the "story " will be official soon .
Thank you .
Wow Popcorn magazine sucks!
KIRO INTERVIEW WITH Official First Turkish Kiro Support™[CB-EF|VIP].
January 24, 2009 - Saturday
1-How is your dream Turkish girl? ^^, What are you thinking about Turkey?
I have no ideals how my dream girl would look like ;D I like turkey, I
was there once for holidays, it was in 2003 I think, I was with my
family in alanya ;D was really nice there!
2-You saw one girl on concert and you liked her ! what will you gonna do?
Kiro: Not yet, but who knews ;D
3-İn your school ,in your street do you hate someone ?
Kiro: It's normal that you can't like everybody the same, of course in my schooltime I hated some people,... but that's normal!
4-how is donner and Turkish kebab ;D ??
Kiro: You will laugh, I just have eaten one ;DDD I love döner ;DDDDD
5-Crazy fans or toward fans?
Kiro: Everyone ;D
6-If we say “Strify” what are you thinking ?
Kiro: I don't know what you mean right now xD
7- How is winter? Do you like it?
I like winter, but only for christmas, but mostly on christmas, there
is no snow... I hate it when it's cold, I prefer summer and sun ;D
8-do you prefer mountain house in winter?
Kiro: I never was in a mountain house in winter ;D
9-choose one *playing snow *making snowman * skiing
Kiro: Playing in snow ;P
its snowing teribilly..you can not go outside.you must be stay at your
home because its snowing soo hard!how will you enjoy at home?
Kiro: Watch a good DVD movie at home ;D
11-winter is pangs of love monht..do you think same thing ?
Kiro: Yes, when you have people near you, which you love ;D yes of course!
12-have you got any advices for pangs of love?
Kiro: No, everybody should know by himself ;D
you meddlesome in your relationship?Will you fight for your darling
which is wanna leave you? Or do you say “if she wanna,she can go”??
Kiro: Depends on the situation!
13-do you do all things for your friends =] ??
Kiro: Not everything ;D would be not good if, I would do a lot for my friends!!!!
14-your friend is wrong right now..will you support your friend in this statue?
Kiro: Of course yes, I want to help then ;D
15-imagine your friend will be marry with really wrong girl.......?
It would be his desicion, I couldn't do anything, everybody has to know
what to do, love makes blind,...so I would try to say him the truth,...
18-say us your song which is making you goose bumps :)
Kiro: t.A.T.u. - 220 ;D
19-the worst lycrss
Kiro: from songs I hate? hmmm.... don't know
20-the best song of winter..
Kiro: Within Temptation - The swan song
21-your song which is you proud of so much..
Kiro: Didn't get the question, song from us?
I like so much!!
and last question : how is my support =] ?
Kiro: Really great, I want to thank you for your great support, hope we will see soon ;DDDD keep on rockin'
kiro ;D
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